Friday, May 3, 2024

Dye Experiments


Dye Experiment #1: Marigold and Indigo

 Dye Experiment #2: Indigo 

Dye Experiment #3: Marigold and Indigo

Dye Experiment #4: Indigo and a mix of the two red ones 

In-Progress Photo

Fiber Experiments


Fiber Experiment #1: Embroidery 


Fiber Experiment #2: Felting


Fiber Experiment #3: Couching 

Fiber Experiment #4: Sewing Machine

Surface Pattern Design



Research #1:

Research #2:

Research #3

My design concept completely changed halfway through so the two above pieces of research don't quite fit anymore but they were still an important part of getting to this point. This is the type of pattern I based my project off of since there was 3 alternating patterns and I wanted to make sure they stayed consistent. 

Graph Paper Sketch #1

Graph Paper Sketch #2



I enjoyed making this, I made a basic pattern since I knew stitching would probably end up taking longer than I thought it would, which it definitely did. When I first did the sketch I was originally planning to do use 3 different shades of blue for the fabric choices. When I went to the fabric store I changed my mind and decided to just choose 3 of the most different fabric I could while trying to make sure they stayed coherent. So now I've got a teal/pink/ lime green color palette and I am glad I decided not to stick to blue. I did back-stitching since I had read that it was very durable and made a backing for it that I was going to attach it too, though by the time I finished the two no longer fit together but I can probably still make it work with some hemming.  

Diversity Banner


Club Banner: ENACTUS

Cotton Fabric and Fleece

42'' x 37''

Personal Banner: Brooke Was Here 
Cotton fabric, Felt, Fabric Paint
42'' x 37''
(I was unable to get a photo with the club before the deadline) 

Club Banner In Progress Photos

Personal Banner Research:



Personal Banner: Brooke Was Here 
Cotton fabric, Felt, Fabric Paint
42'' x 37''
Personal Banner Research:


The inspiration behind this banner was graffiti, apparently the oldest example of graffiti found was in Pompeii and it was along the lines of "[Name] was here" so I thought it would be fun base my personal banner around that. Then I thought it would be fun to add a color blocked face onto it which I did with felt. I might try and remake the banner at some point when I have more time I'm very fond of the idea of it.

Personal Project

"View of Canal" 
Black cotton fabric base, various patterned fabrics including cotton, sheer and 2 carpet samples 
18'' x 14'' 

"Detail image"

"In Progress Photos"

This piece is titled "View of the Canal" it is a mostly abstract piece that is meant to resemble the canal that also functions as a canoe launch that's behind the Abare dorms. I did applique with multiple different types of fabrics. I used carpet samples for the grass, they are a lovely green color and I think the texture was a good pick. The water was made with several pieces of overlapping blue fabric which was also embroidered to add swirls. The final part is depicting the sky during a sunset which the orange represents and is on top of additional black fabric, which is supposed to evoke the night sky.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Personal Project: Inspiration

 Source: lfred’s Heron by Carol Eckert cotton, linen, wire (14.5 x 19 x 2.5")





Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Diversity Banner: Research

 Personal Banner - Research 

Source 1: (

I wanted to try using a style like color blocking and maybe using embroidery or fabric paint to add additional details. I thought it might have potential to work well with quilting since I would just need to cut out different shapes for the base then add additional details as needed.

Source 2: (

This was where I first got the inspiration I was looking at pop art which then lead to color blocking. I briefly considered just using paint but I think I like the using different fabric types more I think it will add better texture. 

 Source 3: (

 This last source isn't an image it's an article. I had read it before and it was sort of what inspired the main idea of my personal banner. I think everyone has seen a piece of graffiti that roughly looks like "I Was Here" at some point. I kind of like the tendency people have to put proof they exist in random places, so I thought it would be fun to put that on my personal banner.


Club Banner - Research

Source 1: Saints Connect

I based my first two designs on the club logo (pictured above) and the 4 pillars located in the club's mission statement (Entrepreneurship, Action, Impact) before sending it to the club for feedback.

Source 2: Sent to me from the club

This was the design that is going to be the new logo for the club that the Saints Connect hadn't been updated with yet. 

Source 3: Club meeting - (Sketches by me)

I went to a club meeting to get feedback from the club directly. The final sketch was the ideal banner they settled on. (I might try and streamline it a bit) 


Dye Experiments

  Dye Experiment #1: Marigold and Indigo  Dye Experiment #2: Indigo  Dye Experiment #3: Marigold and Indigo Dye Experiment #4: Indigo and a ...